Virtual Primary Care
Role - Design, Animation
Full credit below.
Oscar is the first health insurance company built around a full stack technology platform and a relentless focus on serving our members, believing every American deserves access to affordable, high-quality health care that fits their life.
The team at BUCK created a 30+ min IPO presentation for Oscar. For the Virtual Primary Care section, we made a small explainer video about how Virtual Primary Health works within their services.

Directed by
Group Creative Director: Thomas Schmid, Daniel Oeffinger
Creative Director: Jon Gorman
Art Director: Melissa Miyamoto-Mills
Senior Producer: Jess Pierik
Design: Rasmus Bak, Germán Di Ciccio , Gung-Kai Koo
Design: Rasmus Bak, Germán Di Ciccio , Gung-Kai Koo
Gung-Kai Koo,
Germán Di Ciccio, Thea Glad, Gilles Desmadrille
Editor: Cameron Kelly, Dave Conte